



Before planting soft fruit prepare the ground by thoroughly working the area to remove all weeds including their roots and dig in as much well rotted organic matter as possible. Summer fruiting Raspberries will need the support of stakes and wires as they grow and it is best to put these in place in advance of planting to avoid accidental damage to your young canes...

If you are over-wintering frost tender plants in the greenhouse give the glass a good clean to get rid of algae etc and allow more light to be available to your plants. Clear away any debris and weeds as these can harbour over-wintering pests and diseases. Citrox is an effective and natural greenhouse and garden disinfectant. It is effective against a wide range of fungal and bacterial diseases and can be used to clean...

Garden tool maintenance often gets over looked get yours in tip top condition before spring. They can also be cleaned and disinfected with Citrox which will eliminate any fungal or bacterial spores that may be clinging to surfaces. Dry well and rub all over with an oily rag to prevent any rusting while they are not in use. Oil any with moving parts ie secateurs and check blades and the...

As you rake up and clear away fallen leaves
don’t let them go to waste, I know I’m always reminding you about this but recycling autumn leaves really is one of the easiest ways to make free garden mulch and compost. Chopped or shredded leaves break down quicker but this isn’t a necessity. Any deciduous leaves can be used. Next year you will have lovely crumbly leaf mould which you can spread as mulch on your borders and around fruit trees... 種植前,要除草,連根拔走 清洗和消毒刀剪工具,與油抹擦以防生鏽. 樹葉都可以使用做堆肥成腐葉土.

